1 Turkey Mersin virtuous Arpaçbahşiş Flamingo Holiday Site
Flamingo 1 holiday site is located in Mersin Erdemli Arpaçbahşiş location. Flamingo 1 holiday site is a beachfront site. Flamingo 1 holiday site is one of the most valuable sites of Arpaçbahşiş. Flamingo 1 holiday site has an aquapark and swimming pool, parking lot, playground, generator, elevator, security, site officer and completed landscape area. Site management is actively working to serve you better. There are also quite elite sites such as Mts, Yapıtaş and Gümüştur around the Flamingo 1 holiday site. There are shopping markets, cafes, restaurants and walking areas on the coastline around the Flamingo 1 holiday site. If you want to enjoy the blue and green, you can contact us.